word girl

my friend maya gets blog time! she is one of the smartest young kids i know. everytime we play together, i say "so, what's the word of the day?" it's been everything from "preposterous" to "hypothesis" because this girl seriously delights in words. here are some quotes from her world to yours:

"lanette, you're going to love the word of the day, it's hilarious!"
"oh, cool, what is it?"
"i just told you."
"you did?"
"yeah, the word is 'hilarious'."
"ha ha, that's hilarious, maya!"
"no, no, no, it's the word of the day."

and...her latest "mellow" as in,

"mom, do you mind if i play mellow with the old silverware grammy gave you? i just love sorting silverware from olden times."

word girl has spoken.


  1. and my word for her lifetime? ridiculous! as in, she's ridiculously cute, smart, funny, sometimes annoying, etc.

    right now, she's working on an invention that will make sick people feel better. she calls it the 'sick cure.' I asked if she could make it out of a cardboard box and she said she could, but it would need wheels and perhaps a motor. did anyone mention that she's five? it's just ridiculous. . .


  2. personally, i like being her "sidekick" for saving the world and take my role very seriously. i mean, good has to take on the evil that resides on the other side of the living room, right?!


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