seasonal professions

there are pros and cons to seasonal professions, certainly.  con is you are exhausted when everyone else is on summer break.  but the pros outweigh that, i think.  it's nice, once one gets adjusted, to follow the seasons in one's work.

pros:  now is the time for rest.  for vacation (even the owner of the local italian restuarant goes home to italy in january).  for a change of scene and pace.  winter is when mother nature literally chills out, so it makes sense for me to do the same.  

i don't have time to watch movies or read a lot per se once the season gets kickin', but in january and february, bring on the documentaries, tv series, and piles of books!

two documentaries i've really enjoyed lately are "fantastic fungi" and "my octopus teacher", both available on Netflix.  (i'd also like to stream "finding Hygge", about the danish lifestyle of happiness.)  it was interesting to note that in both documentaries, people went from feeling on the outside of nature to being part of it.  they both inspired a sense of awe and wonder in me about the natural world.



  1. ooh i've been meaning to watch Fantastic Fungi! the hygge one sounds awesome too! xoxo holly

    1. I found them both really thought-provoking!


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