enjoy it

mindfulness is a big buzz word these days.  and i think for a reason:  it feels good to feel good.

being more aware of the moment leads to enjoyment.  

for example, as we age we need to eat less.  (i love to eat, so this was disappointing at first.)  but i decided to turn that around and make my 5 or 6 small meals a day realy beautiful, varied, nutrient-dense, and delicious.  i eat more often, get full faster, and really delight in the process of eating.   

i was also drinking way too much coffee and not enough water.  now i really savor that one cup of coffee in the morning and then switch to green tea for that hot mug to hold, then water.  i'm so much calmer and my body is saying "thank you" in so many ways.

a friend shared a 30-day yoga series with me that i really like.  the movements feel good.  mix this up with walking and rowing and it's the perfect whole-body attunement for me.  

plus i love not being too busy!  it's fun to be more social again, of course, than the last few years afforded.  i'll never take for granted sharing meals, laughing together, and playing board games.  

but it's also a thrill for me to go for a walk alone and hear the chirp of a hummingbird and look around until i see it.  moments like that delight me no end.

befriending ourselves, nature, and others.  what wonderful relating there is to be had...


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