
our eyes and brains are drawn to difference, seek out novelty.

today i had the opportunity to safely explore beyond what has become my essentially smaller world by going to the local art museum.

just to be around installments that made me wonder, think, muse, and learn was a big boost for my mind!

for me, arts and culture is just as important as sleep, healthy food, or water. i didn't realize just how much so until i was surrounded by it, lapping it up thirstily.

in that sense, it is not a luxury as much as part of what it essentially means to be human.

too much of any one thing, no matter how great, isn't so great for us. i try to shake myself out of dazes and ruts as much as possible, while still being grateful for my wonderful environments and sense of routine.

what boosts your mind or keeps things novel to you these days, small or large?


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