call me old fashioned...

why is it people seem to appreciate a stamped letter in the mail or a paper invitation to an event so much?  is perhaps what used to be the norm now the exception?  i started to wonder and then observe some social trends to decide what practices i wanted to keep and these are my top ten:

i want to...

1) say "absolutely", "right away", or "you've got it" when serving someone (this instead of "no problem" because that makes it sound like there was a problem to be solved instead of a person to be served)

2)  count back people's change, both bills and coins

3)  tip well (it used to mean To Insure Prompt service and now is a reward) and RSVP (from the french Repondez-vous S'il-Vous Plait) whether i am able to attend or not

4) drive 55 mph and enjoy the ride

5) use stamps to send real thank you cards in the mail, same with party invitations as much as possible

6)  wait in lines without checking my phone and make eye contact and conversation with the clerk, ask them "how's your day?" and listen to their response

7)  grow fruit and vegetables/immerse myself in the birds and wildlife around me

8) make bespoke things for people by hand, from baked goods to art

9)  ask open-ended questions such as "what can i get for you?" instead of "can i get you anything?"

10) play *board games

*i was reading a magazine this week and the irony i saw made me laugh:  on one page was an add for the latest technology and a few pages later was an article about tech-detox family spa vacations where their internet access is blocked for them so they can reconnect to each other and play board games.  this only for an average of $5, 673.

what are some habits or practices you would like to keep alive?


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