au naturelle

all things natural. it's time to be barefoot, i say, and feel the ground beneath your feet; look around and see what nature has to offer; listen...taste and see...i am barefoot right now and i'm appreciating that in less than an 11-mile radius i can both grow and buy fresh produce, wine, olive oil, and farm fresh cheese. natural. i love that, instead of medicine when i have a cold, i can eat all the fruit and vegetables i want as my own prescription and draw a bath with salts and a rosemary/lavendar herb mixture picked from outside my door. (i'm chasing my cough away with a ginger, honey, lime & sriracha drink as i type...i think it will kill my germs if it doesn't kill me first...but it was free--as opposed to the lotus vegan places sporting names like "the green goddess" who would charge $12 for such a concoction...but i digress. it's the end of the teaching marathon, i get at least one blogging digression per entry) anyway, it's seriously beautiful out. while not feeling 100%, my sleep pattern has become ridiculously early to bed and up before dawn, which i quite like. the other early, early morning i had the sharp clear thoughts that you can only really have at 3:00 am and i wanted to write them down before they slipped away with the clamor of the day. at around 4:00 am i noticed the bird-song outside the window just going wild which reminded me a lot of faith: feeling the light and singing before you can see it. i would like this kind of faith. again, it seems natural. i can walk out into the yard and check on my garden, give it a little to the chickens while i let them out to forage, eat lettuce straight from the raised beds. this is where the springs run clear and the stars come out freely, where i think my best thoughts and soak up rich silence like an oasis for the calm passion and wise action that life requires. naturally, from the inside out and back again.


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