legacy simply put

last week would have been my great grandmother's 125th birthday, this tidbit brought to you by the alert thoughfulness of my cousin. nettie (whom i'm named after) did live to be 102. she only had a 6th grade education but she loved to read two things: the writings of historian Josephus and her Bible. that inspires me, particularly because i think i am in about 26th grade (and have student loans to prove it) but you don't need a lot of schooling to love reading.

i happen to have nettie's New Testament & Psalms. words have this amazing power through the generations and i took no small comfort in getting it out this week just to hold it's crumbling, well-loved spine and cover. turning pages carefully i discovered her poor grammar and spelling scrawled in pencil throughout favorite passages.

love and legacy of words need not be complicated. like the staples button says, "that was easy."


  1. whoa, this is way too crazy to be coincidence.
    check my blog.

  2. whoa, what are the chances!? left a comment there for you...we both own the only two copies of Great Grandma's bibles! that. is. epic.


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