made for goodness

i went to my favorite monastery today. the book i threw in my backpack was "made for goodness" by desmond tuto, co-authored with his daughter mpho. these are only a few of the quotes i copied while the rain came down:

"the practices of goodness--noticing, savoring, thinking, enjoying and being thankful--are not hard disciplines to learn. but they are disciplines and they take practice." (p. 92)

"before God made us, he loved us and this love has never slackened, nor ever shall." julian of norwich

"a teacher's lack of self regard is one demonstration of love in action. teachers set aside their own fatigue to care for the children in their charge. the parents who had their children into the caregivers' charge trust the innate goodness of these workers. they expect that, no matter what these workers feel on any given day, their actions will speak of love." (p. 34)

"perfect love is the love that is responsive rather than reactive." (p. 28)

"it is God's invitation to us to be life artists, to be those who create lives of beauty." (p. 48)

and, from the monastic office (psalm 62), "to love God is to live fully, to feast, to rest content, to be under a protective wing, to embrace and to be embraced."


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