
when my grandpa was 96, he could still bend down and put his palms flat on the floor. what was his secret? years of farming helped. but so did simple toe-touching exercises every morning. someone, upon hearing i was turning 36 this summer said, "wow, you look great for that age!" i thanked them but walked away puzzled.

before i could overanalyze it, though--which never bodes well--i decided that no matter if i was 36 or 63, somehow i was going to keep my body moving.

one favorite way i have found of doing this is through Nia. a combination of pilates, aerobics, yoga and dance, classes meet in a downtown studio that has hardwood floors, billowy white curtains (this fact alone somehow makes me feel more limber) and mirrors (which i could do without). in between going to classes which isn't nearly as often as i'd like, i do a myriad of other activities. but everytime i go, my body especially thanks me.

because a body in motion tends to stay that way. what's your favorite way to move?


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