lest we forget

this is an excerpt by ross gay that i find lovely.  the context is him being in a cafe with strangers listening to a record.

"lest we forget what the beautiful sometimes makes us do:  by the time L. Boogie delivers us to the bridge, which in this case is also a vessel, which is also a craft, and she proceeds to cross us over, or through, what together we've found ourselves in, her voice the boat and the oars and the trees of which they are made--whoaauhuhuhuhoh--i look around and see that every single person in that little shop with the big windows and records on the wall --the barista, the two dudes ordering, the person next to me looking into her book with eyes closed--through the bridge, in the craft, is singing along.  

i guess i also mean, lest we forget what the beautiful sometimes makes us be."


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