on lemon-picking

 on lemon-picking

"an educated person is someone who knows their own gifts 
and how to give them to the world."--Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer

waking to sufficiency
setting feet on the ground 
of contentment
i thank the water that comes
flowing eagerly from 
well to tap
the potatoes in my pantry still dusted
with earth
the air all around
luxurious in embrace
the warm eggs in my pocket

but how do i even begin to thank you, lemon
ripening for ten months
bending the branch like a fish on rod's line
a solitary jewel in the sun of my west-facing window?
imperceptibly changing hues
green-yellow to full gold in
time lapse love

gratitude, mist
fertilizer, a plant lightbulb 
for the long winter?

is it time?
and how to take with 
reverence and care and 
not with haste or greed
using everything
juice, pulp, peel, and 

and how to share
shall you become limoncello as christmas gifts
do you want to become simple syrup
perhaps dessert?

i wait for response
ripeness hangs in a silence
of still-life beauty rounded bright
against dull panes today
we have aged 
in the same room this year, in bitterness
of life and onset 
of sweetness to match

if i have done nothing else well
let it be said i have paid attention the entire time
enough to know growth's long patience 
waiting to reach for me until i am ready

and that picking a lemon
like anything worthy
requires effort against 
strong branches grafted to hold on
until fragrant release
grants a gift into my

ls 11.19.20


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