audacious thanks
audacious thanks
"walk out your lament on a path of praise."--Rainer Maria Rilke
standing in ashes of a burned home
may we shelter one another
in the ruins of relationship
may we choose essence
for a dwindling bank account
may we share in security
at loss of life
may we embrace moments
in disappointment of all sizes
may we dare honesty
at closed doors and dead ends
may we follow well
amid darkness of unknowing
may we protect
for unexpected diagnoses
may we render compassion
when met with anger and suspicion
may we hound down love's invitation
when evil surfaces
may we speak justice
when tempted to retaliate
may we race mercy
for imbalance of power
may we walk humbly
when footholds are lost
may we test trust
for our many human hungers
may we nourish and sustain
in vulnerability
may we lend strength
in the face of indifference
may we care deeply
when denial seems easier
may we meet reality's gaze
when self-pity stalks
may we turn outward
when charity is torn out by the roots
may we transplant healing touch
when one part suffers
may we bear it together
in pain
may we feel the joy just beyond
when our hearts fail
may faith flame out
in the presence of foolishness
may we choose wisdom
in false needs to own
may we set free
instead of a curse
may we rejoice
in much turmoil
may we be still
on the ambulance ride
may we bring comfort
and when the pantry is empty
may we give our full and most
audacious thanks
"praise is a response to goodness; praise and goodness are bigger than fear or sorrow, thus we
can wrap lamentation and sorrow into something beautiful, and this love of goodness keeps us going."--Matthew Fox & Julian of Norwich
ls 11.25.2020
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