my year in books

it's said that we are what we eat and i would add, "we are what we read"'s my year in books, tracked courtesty of goodreads!  lanette's 2017 list of books (this link works if you are on goodreads); the graphic organizer it provides is rather fun.

according to my 2017 collection, i read 20,000 words (74 books), the shortest of which was "now" by antoinette portis and the longest being "a love song and a riddle" by my friend robin lawton.  the most popular book was "glass castle" by jeanette walls (read by 717,725 others) and the least popular being "the diary of samuel pepys" which apparently only one other person besides myself read this year (perhaps the same person who loaned it to me?)

the highest rated book on my list is "gracelaced" by ruth chou simons.

and now, to start the pile for 2018...


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