wonder woman

what a great movie to see to celebrate ending one of the best school years ever!

i really enjoyed this film and have made a mental note to get a lasso of truth for my classroom next year.

when i was four or so, the wonder woman series starring lynda carter was on tv and, as i recall, i had a pair of wonder woman underoos that i would zoom around the house in when the show came on.

what is it about super heros and heroines that so appeals to us?

my summer reading stack is growing and in it is this book, "the secret history of wonder woman" by jill lepore.

i just finished reading the entire laurie king sherlock holmes and mary russell series (12 books in all) and have "originals" by adam grant to start as well as a book on beekeeping and one on trees.  then there's books on the grand canyon for my upcoming arizona adventure.

what can i say? i love to learn.  i think the most meaningful note from a student this year was, "miss smith, here is a quote i am giving to you, 'i am a teacher who continually loves to be taught.' "  super powers or not, i think that there is no higher compliment than being called a person who loves to grow. 


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