some good news?

i'll admit it, i'm a learned equalizer.  what i mean is, i have this deep drive to balance things.  for example, if someone is really complaining, i'll want to find a bright spot somewhere.  and, vice-versa, if i feel everything is too surface, i'll be the one most tempted to bring a reality check to the party.

honestly, i think this is sometimes because of my own discomfort with the strong emotions of myself and others.  but at least i'm aware of and in touch with that as a place to start.  awareness being key, i find i'm wanting to bring a LOT of bright spot to the news of the world around us right now. 

the gospel was originally meant to be good news.  God freely bringing himself to our personal, group and universal parties (see also "things hidden:  scripture as spirituality" by richard rohr) and, no matter how that has been interpreted, filtered by cultural biases, or maligned in the name of power/shame/guilt, i find myself drawn back time and time again to a story bigger than my own. the longer i am pursued by love, the more i find that experience (not knowledge alone) is what transforms.

i also find solace in the small things; the joyful signs of life right here, right now:  blackberries sweet on the vine (and the crisp my friend makes out of them), cloud-watching, colored pencils, the sound of water, ocean air, salted butter, real mail, and the deer in the backyard who have not yet learned to be afraid of me. 

what's the pattern here?  it's that wholeness resides in holding the tension between light and darkness, between joy and sorrow, and between good and evil.  it's in not having to know or understand it all and being ok with the unknown spaces, i.e. mystery. any expectation that is not communicated or agreed upon is just a wish, afterall.  so i guess you could say i have plenty of wishes for the world.  it might even be called prayer. or a question.  i don't know.  what i do know is the world can't have too much beauty. and that's something worth equalizing...


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