exhibit: growth

disclaimer:  i have yet to be inside this actual exhibit...but i can attest to it's hipness by the sheer number of portlanders willing to wait in line for it despite the cold and rain!  and i have a friend who tried it and said, "move alot, you'll love it!"  the first time i was in line i waited as long as i could, inching ahead about a foot per 15 minutes, or until my parking meter ran out, whichever was first. (alas, it was the latter). when i came back later, the line was closed off for the evening. 

and yet, i'm fascinated by the idea of interactive art.  this exhibit was sponsored by umpqua bank to explore human potential and growth.  a geodesic dome houses this choreographed visual experience with motion-activated digital technology.  you missed it too?  not to worry, it's soon to be in seattle, san francisco, sacramento, eugene and spokane! 


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