ms. grammar police loses at boggle
let's just say that i wasn't sad to see our game score paper used to start the campfire. for a word girl, i lost badly at the regular evening campground rounds of boggle. granted, i got better, but spent way too much of the precious timer trying to get a really long word instead of just making up smaller ones and adding an "s". there are only so many points you can get for "hand...hands...handy...handed" i wanted to go big: words like sycophant or dalliance; cherubim and regalia (use those 4 in a coherent sentence, i dare you!) and on the ferry float from bike camping around san juan island, i laughed out loud at anne fadiman's grammar policing chapter from her novel "ex libris". here are a few examples from the fadiman family's literary snobbery files. "the place we had dinner last week served p-e-a-k-i-n-g duck!" "einstein's theory of relativity led to the development of the Big Band Theory." "cakes frosted Happy Birthday's", "when i was only three and still named belle miriam silverman i sang my first aria in pubic." or consider the 1631 printing of the bible especially printed for king charles I, "thou shalt commit adultery". but it gets better. "...from the beginning camilla approved of charles' marrying diana while she remained his power mower." i would rather lose at boggle among friends than forever go down in history as the one who made the fast food restaurant sign read "get your stalking stuffers here."
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