more books, please...
as if stacks from the public library weren't enough, i also attended the friends of the library book sale at cannon beach. as a first-timer, i learned some tricks. 1) go early. you can get coffee later, this sale is not to be missed. if you just can't forego your morning java, there may only be books on breast feeding or barmitzvah's leftover, which is great if that's what you're looking for. to each his own...2) hit the fiction section. it's arranged alphabetically, at least until it turns into picked-over piles. there's some brand-new stuff there for $5 or under! 3) carry cash. the dear, sweet volunteers will gladly make change for you and 4) be kind. your bag will bump into people about 13.5 times on average while scooting between rows. balance that assertive reach of avarice with a modicum of gentility and all will be well. p.s. i just read annapurna potluri's first novel "the grammarian" and found it quite good. if you happen to check it out from the same library i did, sorry for the sand. hey, what can i say, it was a beautiful day for dune reading!
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