
the garden is plowed, the harvest in.  we've had our first frost and are hurriedly trying to finish building our new chicken coop.  on a practical level, today i took both my bike and car in to their various shops for tune-ups and winterizing.  in a bookshop, i saw that adam gopnick has even written a book called "winter" in which he takes looks at the season through the viewpoints of artists, scientists and poets.  nature is slowing down and preparing to rest.  this rings true with my soul as well.  on a spiritual level, one distinctive of attending spiritual direction is for a common language of who God is to us as an individual.  another key piece, however, is grounding us within the larger faith tradition; the church calendar.  as we approach the advent season, the Holy Spirit strips me of my leaves and anything else that does not welcome room for the Christ child.  and on a creative level, i am always on the lookout for interesting classes, websites, recipes and novels that i can cozy in with for this season of learning. how are you looking forward to winter?


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