
i loved how easy it was to get both my valentine decor and biking gear out of storage this year.  and i love the minimalist trend that's swinging right now, from housing to transportation.  my compatriot in simple living and i were discussing the question of  "how do your choices and hobbies fit with your lifestyle?"  (for example, if you want to declutter, maybe consider a hobby other than antique collecting).  we liked the answers we were coming up with:  bike commuting, local library, healthy food, beautiful or useful household items...there are a range of websites and books to support your lifestyle, from to biking books by elly blue.  and the great thing is, minimalist/simplicity (word variations on a theme) doesn't mean giving up the things you love (note i purposefully didn't use the word asceticism).  if you are a chef, put your resources into kitchen tools...if it's kayaking you love, make a place to store the boats...artist?  turn a room or corner of your home into a creative space.  like spokes on the wheel, life choices coming from the center value hub can help propel you forward with new and exciting momentum whatever your style!


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