commas save lives
i think we all know about the panda who eats shoots and leaves vs. the one who eats, shoots, and leaves. i get a kick out of signs and marquees, particularly at this time of year. one christmas i was driving by an establishment--that shall remain nameless--only to see their message, "we have stalking stuffers". and just yesterday i was driving by a bakery that had hung a banner reading, "espresso-steamers-cappuccino's". unless the cappuccino is planning to own the bakery any time soon, there is no need for an apostrophe. (i had to wonder if the error was on the employee's side or the banner making company's side--are you supposed to print anything they send or do you have authority to make corrections?) i guess it's all not really life and death. unless, of course, you are a restaurant planning to advertise with "let's eat grandma!" let's eat, grandma. save a life this holiday, use a comma.
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