is it naptime yet?
in the midst of an eclectic smattering of neighbors, baby chickens and homemade beer my young friend maya introduced us to her newest made-up word: grumpovert. "you know, what happens to you if you don't get a nap". having overheard the usage of terms like introvert and extrovert, she decided to get creative on her own. "hmm." she said, "or maybe crankovert...who likes crankovert better? raise your hands..." and she took a vote. i think in the end we preferred grumpovert. but either way, we gave her points for originality. after all, who can resist a word-lover who's also a teacher in the making? and, i might add, sign me up for that naptime.
maybe this comes from seeing her momma being a grumpovert a few times. . . hmmmm, I'll have to make more time for napping. :)