word girl strikes again
i got to see my friend maya yesterday. she bounced up to me,
"want to know the word of the day today?"
"it's 'flabbergasted' "
"wow, that's a great word, can you use it in a sentence?"
"yes," she said, "i'm flabbergasted to see you!"
turns out, the word's been around since the 1700's:
flabber--shaking or to flap around
gasten--terror, shock or surprise
"want to know the word of the day today?"
"it's 'flabbergasted' "
"wow, that's a great word, can you use it in a sentence?"
"yes," she said, "i'm flabbergasted to see you!"
turns out, the word's been around since the 1700's:
flabber--shaking or to flap around
gasten--terror, shock or surprise
I am shaking and/or flapping around with terror to see you! :)