love & squalor
i received a fall gift of wine with the label "love & squalor". even though i am an english teacher, i couldn't remember exactly what "squalor" meant. it reminded me of squall; huge strorms but no, that wasn't it. i looked it up and it actually means, "of or having to do with extreme dirt or filth." in a squalid state. that made me laugh because the label shows three little dresses neatly lined up on a clothesline.
i shall now use my new vocabulary in a sentence: after being introduced to my first two episodes of "hoarders" last week and being a neat-freak minimalist myself, i have to say that i was shocked at the squalid environments that some people willfully live in. word of the day sponsored with remind us that life is messy and best eaten over the sink! (but at least we can still find the kitchen sink, right? this spoken with empathy).
i shall now use my new vocabulary in a sentence: after being introduced to my first two episodes of "hoarders" last week and being a neat-freak minimalist myself, i have to say that i was shocked at the squalid environments that some people willfully live in. word of the day sponsored with remind us that life is messy and best eaten over the sink! (but at least we can still find the kitchen sink, right? this spoken with empathy).
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