the posse

canby high '92 "posse" left-right (sydette, erin, tracie, myself, shelley, matt, jenny & chris, pam & wes) regathered march 2010.

we played with words too. we edited the canby high school literary magazine "the patina" together. tracie and i did prank calls if that counts towards eloquence. nearly everyone competed on speech team and learned to twirl those pens or spoke up in mr. dage's existential english class while he wore those birkenstocks and only occasionally took breaks from sartre to read us his own stories.

and we were funny, at least we thought we were. saturday night live. monty python. "deep thoughts by jack handy". some of it is even still funny--to us. and we are the ones who matter because there we are, laughing.

now, here we are eighteen years later in the very nice home of jenny and chris, surrounded by children that bear their dna. some posse members married each other and between everyone, there are actually 22 offspring now who will carry on the tradition and start a mini posse. so, amid the shared drinks and HOA discussions (beware the unsightly clover, they are watching you!) you realize that there's just something about shared history, inside jokes. these are people who knew you when you were a cheerleader.

we grew up to be moms, dads, teachers, professionals. but all it would take would be for matt to begin reciting the first thirty numbers of pi like he did in mr. gingerich's 7th grade math class to make us come unglued.

the few. the proud. the posse.


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