lay it on thick, kindness spreader

 true story from last week.

a very meek woman is waiting in line.  she has a "spread kindness" button pinned to her cardigan and is doing just that.  we find out that her husband has passed away just two weeks ago, so we grab the bouquet our chef picked that morning to go with the spring food and wine display and give it to her.

what we didn't know until later?  that it would have been their anniversary that day and those were her husband's favorite type of flowers.

how often it is that we are doing "A" (picking flowers for a display) and it is really about "B" (some intricately woven set of circumstances set to culminate in a particular way and time with certain people at a particular place that will never again happen in just quite that way) that has at once nothing to do with A and yet absolutely everything to do with A if we are paying attention-- just so much bigger!

spread kindness, lay it on thick.


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