chasing ebenzer

i had the distinct privilege of being house manager for the latest local concert at the cultural center, welcoming the husband wife duo of benjamin & heidi who call themselves "chasing ebenezer".

more on that in a moment, but what made this in-person concert so special was that back when i officially worked as public programs coordinator (before covid/budget eliminated the position) i was emailing back and forth with them and had to cancel concerts in 2020 and put their contract on an indefinite hold.

two years and a beautiful sunny summer evening in the forecourt later, we're live and the music is flowing! they are as nice as can be and their name is so meaningful.

their band name is after 1 Samuel 7:12 (which i have just highlighted in my bible), "thus far the LORD has helped us." when Samuel sets up a pile of stones in gratitude to remember the faithfulness of God.  

this inspired me to make a pile of heart rocks in my home as a remembrance stack of gratitude as well:  friends and family coming through the last 2 years, my friend surviving stage 3 cancer, seamless provision despite multiple layoffs, a great cozy home, and a beautiful new job with wonderful people.

i also made a smaller stack of stones to represent things i'm still praying about and hoping for.  

but this tangible reminder of already answered prayers is good for my humanness and builds my faith going forward.

if you were to build an "ebenzer" stack of stones, what are you most grateful for?

for more on the band, click here:  chasing ebenezer band


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