direction matters

as a lifetime learner, i find it so reassuring that you can live for a substantial period of time and still learn the simplest of new things.

for example, yesterday from the homes & gardens section of the paper, i learned that ceiling fans go in different directions for different seasons.  really!?  i got up from the couch and checked.  sure enough, there's a nifty little button on it that reverses the blade direction. whoa. (and yes, i'm easily entertained.)

the recommended setting is counterclockwise for summer (which cools and brings air down) and clockwise for winter (which takes air up and creates even circulation).  i had no idea.

setting my fan to the desired rotation for august (in my air current ignorance, i'd had it backwards) i stood underneath and really could tell the difference.  and to think all these years i've had it on the same setting all year long...


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