sesame + lilies

one of my favorite stores at cannon beach is sesame + lilies.  they have everything from french antiques and leather goods to fine perfumes and linens. 

the other day i happened upon a book of essays and opened it to discover that their store had the same name as some writings of john ruskin.  he wrote "sesame and lilies" about the treasuries of kings and beauty of queens.

ruskin (1819-1900), an english art critic during the victorian era, was a prolific author.  he wrote on a vast array of subjects including geology, architecture, botany and economics.  he himself was a patron of the arts as well as a watercolor artist and philanthropist. 

the owners of sesame + lilies were featured in a recent cannon beach travel magazine and so i emailed them about the connection between their store and john ruskin.  sure enough, the naming was as intentional as their merchandising choices and lovely home on the oregon coast.

to learn more about their store, you can visit sesame + lilies


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