your name here

a shameless advertisement for your local library, dear readers.  i have my personal favorite, it's true they may not all be created equal, except in the most important thing:  free books! chances are, if you follow this blog, you probably already have a card in your wallet or purse (i'll pause while you doublecheck) and i had the distinct pleasure of reaquainting someone with their lending system extraordinaire this very week.  names shall be withheld, but my inquisition went something like this, "so ______ when, exactly, was the last time you were here?"  (they couldn't remember, but it was in the years category).  "so do you still have a card?"  (they didn't) "ID, please, i'm here to change all that!" and adding a "don't worry, it's free" i personally marched them up to the service desk.  twenty minutes later, my protoge not only was a card-carrying member once again (i made a trumpet with my fist and sang a victory song, but quietly, this was a library after all and had a small induction party for two) but had three entire books in their arms that they were interested in and had looked up themselves.  you know the whole leading a horse to water thing?  i took that a few steps further and just decided to be the horse who drinks tons and tons in front of all the other horses, again shamelessly, singing (or i suppose neighing) all the exemplary qualities of the library's waters.  i forgot to tell the new devotee to actually drink (read the books in their arms) it was implied in my *enthusiasm. *which i might add, if bottled would be more than enough to constitute a re-opening of the library on thursdays, sigh. credit cards?  they're a bad idea.  coffee punch cards?  a very good idea.  but a library card?  now that's worth signing up for. 


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