mrs. queen takes the train

i just finished reading william kuhn's first novel, "mrs. queen takes the train", a delightfully fun story about the queen running away from BP (effectually, home as in Buckingham Palace) and the host of people trying to find her and bring her back.  kuhn, an historian, peppers the novel with real photos and tidbits of facts about that era in a somewhat "downton abbey" fashion in terms of showing the lives of those who serve the nobles as well as the queen's desire to just be an ordinary person for a while.  i came across three unfamiliar words which, as you know, lights up my brain synapses although it will take more coffee until i can use them in one coherent sentence.  1) equerry:  officer of a noble in charge of caring for the horses 2) demesne:  possession of and use of one's own land and 3) vituperation:  verbal harshness, bitter railing or condemnation.  in the non-fiction category, kuhn is also the author of "reading jackie" (jacqueline kennedy onassis), "democratic royalism" (henry and mary ponsonby--key players in queen victoria's court) and "the politics of pleasure" (benjamin disraeli, britain's most royalist prime minister)--the latter of which seems fitting for today as per the passing of margaret thatcher.  see also


  1. Thank you Lanette! I don't know any equerries personally, but I've seen them from a distance. In the story Luke is serving as an equerry to The Queen for a few years, but he'll probably go on to another job in the army, if he doesn't retire and do the food truck with William. I hope you're feeling secure and confident in your demesne today. You don't seem like a very vituperative individual to me. : )

  2. Hope you don't mind my re-posting your very nice entry on my book over on FB:

  3. thank you for the link, William! and for the wordplay; your book was, as i said, quite only question is, when does the movie come out?! helen mirren, judi dench...


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